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What are the charges and fees for GoDaddy Payments?

GoDaddy Payments is a standalone payment processing service that is also built into several GoDaddy products such as Websites + Marketing, GoDaddy POS hardware, Online Pay Links, Invoicing and many more. GoDaddy Payments customers pay a fee that is charged per transaction, and subtracted from the amount you receive on your deposit (payouts). Fees vary based on type of transaction.

GoDaddy Payments standard fees

Transaction TypeFee
Payment collected for card-present transactions via POS device or mobile app.
2.5% + 0c
(2.3%+0c for customers who signed up prior to 03/11/24)
Payment collected for orders via online store or online appointments.
2.7% + 30c
WooCommerce Plugin
Payment collected via the GoDaddy Payments plugin on your WooCommerce site.
2.9% + 30c
Online Pay Links/Pay Buttons
Payment collected via Online Pay Links or Websites + Marketing Pay Buttons.
2.9% + 30c
Online Invoicing
Payment collected via one-time or recurring invoices.
2.9% + 30c
Manual entry
Payment collected via keyed-in transactions on POS device, mobile app or Virtual Terminal.
3.5% + 0c
Chargeback Fee
If your customer files a chargeback, a fee is incurred for each separate chargeback filed.

GoDaddy Payments fees may vary with a subscription to another GoDaddy product

Because GoDaddy Payments can be used with several GoDaddy products, the transaction fees can vary depending on the products you’re subscribed to. The table below outlines fees based on product subscription plans.

Note: Subscriptions to other products may lower your GoDaddy Payments fees but your GoDaddy Payments fees will not be higher than the standard fees above.
Transaction typeGoDaddy product subscription plan
Websites + Marketing
(Basic, Standard)
Managed WordPress
(all plans)
Websites + Marketing
(Premium, Commerce)
Managed WooCommerce Stores
(all plans)
Point of Sale Plus
Invoicing and Pay Links Plus
Payment collected for card-present transactions via POS device or mobile app.
2.5% + 0c
(2.3% + 0c for customers who signed up prior to 03/11/24)
2.3% + 0c
E-commerce (online store)
Payment collected for orders via online store or online appointments.
N/A2.7% + 30c
WooCommerce Plugin
Payment collected via the GoDaddy Payments plugin on your WooCommerce site.
2.9% + 30c2.7% + 30c
Pay Buttons
Payment collected via Pay Buttons on your Websites + Marketing site.
2.9% + 30c2.8% + 30c
Online Pay Links
Payment collected via Online Pay Links created in the Dashboard or mobile app.
2.9% + 30c2.8% + 30c
Online Invoicing
Payment collected via one-time or recurring invoices.
2.9% + 30c2.8% + 30c
Manual entry
Payment collected via keyed-in transactions on POS device, mobile app or Virtual Terminal.
3.5% + 0c3.5% + 0c
Chargeback Fee
If your customer files a chargeback, a fee is incurred for each separate chargeback filed.
$15 $15

Note: In cases where you have custom pricing, check the Pricing tab in your GoDaddy Payments settings for a breakdown of your fees.

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