GoDaddy Help

Complete a test transaction with the GoDaddy Poynt Smart Terminal

Step 3 of the GoDaddy Poynt Smart Terminal get started series.

Your GoDaddy Poynt Smart Terminal is charged up and activated! Next, run a test transaction to make sure the GoDaddy Poynt Smart Terminal is connecting to GoDaddy Payments, the printer is working properly, and the business information on the receipt displays correctly. You’ll need to use your own credit or debit card for this. But don’t worry — you can void out the charge after you’ve processed it and there won’t be any charges or fees. (And you’ll learn how to void a transaction!)

  1. Load a roll of printer paper into the GoDaddy Poynt Smart Terminal.
  2. From the GoDaddy Poynt Smart Terminal home page, tap Terminal to access the keypad.
  3. Enter a small amount like $1.00, then tap Charge.
  4. Insert, tap or swipe your credit card. (Problems reading the credit card? Check out our troubleshooting tips for help.)
  5. On the customer-facing screen, enter your signature when prompted, then tap Done.
  6. On the customer-facing screen, tap Paper Receipt to print out the receipt. Don’t skip this! You can make sure your printer is working correctly AND look at how your info displays on your receipt.
  7. Your test transaction is now complete! But — now we need to void that charge. Here’s how:
    1. Return to the GoDaddy Poynt Smart Terminal home page and select Transactions.
    2. You should see the charge you just processed. Tap the transaction, then Void.
    3. Tap Yes.
    4. Tap Close. The transaction now shows Voided, meaning the charge will not be applied to your credit card. In the future, you’ll follow this same process whenever you need to void or refund a charge.

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