Managed WooCommerce Stores Help

How to connect sales channels to Marketplaces & Social?

Please note that for Google Shopping listings there are some extra requirements that you need to take care of before new listings are created automatically:

  • Your online site will need to have a Terms of Service policy page and Returns & Refund policy page published in order to create the listing.

    Both pages are created automatically when you create your site, but you'll need to make sure they are properly adjusted to fit your business as well as they are published by going to Pages > All Pages in your admin dashboard.

  • The site should be available to be crawled by search engines (i.e., Search engine visibility is not discouraged in Settings > Reading Settings)

  • After those requirements are met, new listings will be created automatically for all eligible products and all products that are published afterward

There are multiple ways to connect your marketplaces:

From the Commerce Home Dashboard

  1. Sign in to my GoDaddy account - GoDaddy Help
  2. Click on your name on the upper right corner and then on the My Products option.
  3. Find the Managed WooCommerce section and then click on the Manage button.
  4. Then, find and click on the Add button next on Sales Channel text on the side-dashboard.
  5. In this page, you will find all the available Marketplaces & Social options that you can connect your store to. Click on the Learn More button on any option you'd like to proceed with.
  6. You will find more information about the features offered by the marketplace or social channel you've chosen. You can either choose to Connect right away if you already have an account or you can scroll down and click to Register to Sell instead.
  7. After clicking to Connect, you'll need to log into your account and follow the connection steps. When over, you'll be redirected back to the Commerce Home Dashboard where you can manage your connection.

From your WordPress Admin Dashboard

  1. Sign in to WordPress
  2. Navigate to the Marketplaces page and select the option to Add Sales Channel.
  3. You'll be redirected to the Sales Channel page back in your GoDaddy account. You can then follow the instructions from the section above to continue.

From the Edit Product page

  1. Sign in to WordPress
  2. Go to the Products and then All Products page.
  3. Click on the product you want to edit.
  4. In this page, you may need to scroll down to find the Marketplaces & Social section. There you will find all the available marketplaces & social channels. Click on the one you want to connect.
  5. Click on the Connect Sales Channel button.
  6. You will be redirected to that Sales Channel's page. Click to Connect.
  7. The connection process will vary slightly depending on which marketplace you’re connecting, but each channel will instruct you to log into your marketplace account, then authenticate/grant access to your site.
  8. Once your marketplace account is connected, you'll be redirected to the Sales Channels page and a Connected badge will appear in that channel's banner. You can click on the Manage button to make further adjustments to how the channel is configured and find more information about the current activity.

By clicking on the Manage button of a connected sales channel:

  • You can check your channel's activity in the Overview tab. This includes:
    • The number of active and inactive listings.

    • A snapshot of your sales activity that can be filtered for today, last 7 days, and the last 30 days. You can quickly see the number of orders and your best-selling products, plus click to view their details.

    • On the right side, you can find the connected channel's username, its connection status, as well as the price and inventory sync status. You can also click to View your store and Disconnect from GoDaddy this specific sales channel. Clicking to view your store will redirect you to your connected sales channel store. Clicking on the disconnect button will disconnect your connected sales channel from your WooCommerce store.

      You can click on the Settings button on the upper right corner to manage additional channel and listing templates.

      Clicking on the Settings button will redirect you to the Sales Channel Integration page of your GoDaddy account where you can make further adjustments for the Price and Inventory Sync features.

      Price and Inventory Sync will need to be enabled for the Marketplaces & Social integration to automatically make adjustments between your WooCommerce store and the connected sales channels.

      When you're ready, you can go back to your Sales Channels page by clicking on the Your Sales Channels button on the upper right corner of the page.

  • You can check your listings by clicking on the Listings tab. Here, you'll find:
    • Your Draft and Active listings. You can filter them based on:
      • Status. Current eligible statuses are: Edited, Publishing, Warnings, and Errors.
      • Templates.
      • Product link. Options include Linked and Unlinked.
      • Price.
    • A table that includes listing images, status, title, price, quantity, templates applied, and the shop section.
    • You can also select multiple listings and apply bulk actions. You can Apply Templates to all selected listings. You can also click on the ... button to Publish, Duplicate, or Delete listings.
  • Lastly, you can click on the Templates tab. You'll be redirected to the Listing Templates & Recipes page where you can manage your templates and recipes. Learn more about fully utilizing those features here.

Return to your Sales Channels page by clicking on the Manage button on the top of the page.

If you navigate to the Marketplaces page, you can see all your connected Sales Channels.

Note: Marketplaces & Social doesn’t support connecting multiple accounts per marketplace. You can only connect one account for each channel, for instance a single eBay.

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