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How do I use my Email Archiving dashboard?

If you own the Email Archiving add-on, you can access the dashboard and review the email saved to your archive. We’ll go over the features of your dashboard that you can use to search for archived email. First, sign in to Email Archiving.

Note: If you just purchased the add-on, you might not see any email in Email Archiving just yet.

There are 2 pages of your Email Archiving dashboard:

  • Searches: This is where you can view any search criteria that you’ve saved and where you can start a new search.
  • Exports: This is where you can view any exports that you’ve previously completed.

There are 2 ways to view your archived emails:

  • Panel view: Provides a list of your emails with an option to preview the selected email.
    panel view email archiving dashboard
  • Table view: Lists email details, like subject line and date, in a spreadsheet-like format.
    table view email archiving dashboard

Email Archiving dashboard legend

Here are some icons on your dashboard and what they do:

  • find, magnifying glass in email archiving Find: Locate a saved search by name or owner.
  • new, plus sign in a circle in email archiving New: Create a new search.
  • Switch to table, 3 panel box in email archiving Switch to table: Change the format of your list of emails to table view.
  • switch to panel in email archiving Switch to panel: Change the format of your list of emails to panel view.
  • tag this email, tag in email archiving Tag this email: Mark the email as “Needs Review” or “Reviewed”.
  • Hold, lock email padlock in email archiving Hold: Lock the email to avoid removing or accidental deletion.
  • comment, word bubble in email archiving Comment: Flag the email with a note.
  • send, paper airplane in email archiving Send: Send a copy of the email to another recipient.
  • download, down arrow in a circle in email archiving Download: Keep a copy of the email on your device.
  • filter, 3 lines in email archiving Filter: Narrow your search results by adding additional search requirements.
  • Export, cloud with down arrow in email archiving Export: Save several emails at once on your device.

Now that you are familiar with the dashboard, you can start searching your email archive!

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