Websites + Marketing Help

What is a Google Smart Campaign?

A Google Smart Campaign is an automated tool that helps small businesses, like yours, promote themselves on Google. This tool reduces the complexity of creating paid search marketing campaigns by:

  • Automatically generating keywords based on themes you select.
  • Optimizing keyword bidding to drive the most exposure for your campaign budget.
  • Using machine learning to strategically present your ads across Google Search, Google Maps, and other Google partner websites to ensure maximum engagement.

Select a question to see its answer:

Why is it important to do paid Search Engine Marketing (SEM)?

Research indicates that somewhere between 27 to 49 percent of customers (depending on the demographic) begin their product search journey on Google.

While Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can help your website rank high in organic search results over time, SEM can immediately help boost the visibility of your business to customers who are looking for your products or services on Google.

What Websites + Marketing tiers can access this feature?

This feature will be available to Websites + Marketing Premium plans and higher.

Does this change the price of Websites + Marketing?

No, there is no price increase for new or existing Websites + Marketing Premium or Commerce plans due to the inclusion of Google Smart Campaign.

However, these plans don't include an advertising budget. To appear in paid search ads, you’ll need to contribute additional spend, which will be processed directly by Google payments. GoDaddy doesn't take any percentage of the funds allocated to Google advertising.

As an incentive, Google is currently offering a $500 bonus ad credit. You can get an additional $500 ad credits for your search campaigns, when you spend $500 on your first search campaign within 60 days. Terms and conditions apply.

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Do both new and existing customers get this new feature?

Yes, both new and existing customers will be able to take advantage of this feature.

Where can I access Google Smart Campaign in Websites + Marketing?

This feature is in the same composer as Facebook and Instagram ads:

  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Scroll to Websites + Marketing and select Manage next to your site.
  3. From your Dashboard, select Marketing and then select Digital Ads.

When creating a social ad, create either a Facebook, Instagram, or Google Smart Campaign ad.

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What is needed to be able to create Google Smart Campaigns?

You’ll need a Google ads account and have it connected in Websites + Marketing when logging in to Digital Ads from your Dashboard.

You’ll need a credit card or bank account connected to your GoDaddy account to pay for ad spends.

You’ll also need to specify a landing page for the ads to direct those who interact with your ad – either a Google Business Profile or your own site will work.

Will Google Smart Campaign automatically optimize my campaign for me?

The Google Smart Campaign is optimized for you based on which keyword themes, title and description perform the best.

Choose up to three versions, either using the keyword, title and description suggestions provided by Google or by inputting them yourself.

Once the campaign parameters are set, Google will run all versions of the ad title and description for a brief test period and will then optimize towards displaying the highest performing title and description for the majority of the campaign.

This testing period will depend on the budget, but the average duration can range between 2 to 4 weeks.

How are ad titles and descriptions suggested?

Note: Only published sites receive suggested alternate ad titles and descriptions.

Using your created ad title and description, our suggested alternate ad titles and descriptions will be based on keywords that are typically associated with those ad titles and descriptions in Google search.

You also have the option to enter your own additional ad titles and descriptions based on these suggestions.

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What are keyword themes and how are the keywords suggested?

Google automatically generates keyword themes based on the ad titles and descriptions that you provide. These themes will determine the keyword search terms where your ad will appear.

Keyword themes allow your ad to show up across a broader set of search terms instead of restricting it to specific individual keywords.

What parameters can I tweak as part of Google Smart Campaigns?

You’ll be able to modify the following attributes of your campaign:

  • Location
    • Local (zip code, city or state)
    • Nationwide
  • Duration
  • Title
  • Description
  • Keyword themes

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How are the suggested ad-spend budget and duration determined for each campaign?

The suggested budget and duration are based on typical amounts we’ve seen small businesses spend on ads historically. Google’s machine learning and AI capabilities will analyze your website, keyword themes and Google Business Profile. Comparing those to historical trends it will determine a budget level to attract the desired amount of clicks on your ad.

We suggest a duration of 30 days based on that budget to ensure you're spending enough each day to see meaningful results.

The current minimum spend is $5 a day, the maximum is $100 a day. The minimum duration of a campaign is 14 days.

Can I run the same Google Smart Campaign for more than one landing page?

Each Google Smart Campaign can only be associated with a single website page or landing page. Multiple pages would require you to run multiple Google Smart Campaigns.

How can I track the results of my Google Smart Campaign?

If you’ve published your website using GoDaddy, you can track the results in your Social Media Marketing Dashboard:

  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Scroll to Websites + Marketing and select Manage next to your site.
  3. From your Dashboard, select Marketing and then select Digital Ads.

From there, you can see how many interactions your campaign received, along with the number of impressions and budget for each interaction.

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