GoDaddy Help

Use web contact forms with GoDaddy Conversations

Your GoDaddy website comes with a contact form that your customers can use to get in touch with you. You can also create additional forms, and each form can be linked to a separate email notification address. You’ll set this up in Website Builder when you create the form.

How will I know if someone sends a message from my contact form?

When customers contact you through your contact forms, you receive a notification through the GoDaddy Conversations mobile app. You’ll also get an email notification on the email address you’ve set up to receive the notifications. If you do not specify an email, the messages will be sent to the primary address on your GoDaddy account.

How do I respond to my contact form messages?

The best way to respond is by selecting Reply to Conversation from within the email notification. This will take you to GoDaddy Conversations, from where you can reply to the message.

Email received from web contact form

If your customer is signed in to your website or has identified themselves through Chat, we’ll send your response to them through Chat. If your customer is offline or does not read your response within 10 seconds, we’ll also send them an email notification.

Another way to respond is by replying directly to the email notification you receive. GoDaddy Conversations will keep your responses properly threaded.

Where can I find my previous contact form notifications?

Your notifications and responses are stored in your GoDaddy Conversations inbox. Open the mobile app or go to your product page in a web browser, go to your website, and then select Conversations in your product dashboard.

The message will contain all the completed fields from the form, plus your responses, plus any attachments.

Note: Some file types will not be available to view in the Conversations mobile app. Go to GoDaddy Conversations on the web to see these attachments.

What if I’m not getting email notifications from my contact forms?

If you’re not receiving email notifications, try this:

  • Check your email's spam folder.
  • Make sure is on your allowlist as a secure sender.
  • Check that the email address you’re using matches the email address you set up for the contact form. Each form can be set up with a different email address. See Customize my website Contact Us section to find out how to do this.

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