Managed WooCommerce Stores Help

Manage DNS with Managed WooCommerce Stores

When using the recommended Route 53 option when connecting your domain to your Managed WooCommerce Store (MWCS), you will notice that the name servers are now changed to AWS. Here's how to add, edit, or remove DNS records with your name servers pointed to AWS for your MWCS site.

  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. In the Managed WooCommerce section, select Manage.
    Manage MWCS Product
  3. Select the DNS tab.
  4. Select your domain from the Show DNS records for dropdown menu.
  5. Select Add Record to add a record, or you can select Edit or Delete next to any existing records. Any records that show Can’t Edit or Can’t Delete are managed by the MWCS platform and can’t be altered.
    DNS Settings

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