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Guide on completing toll-free number verification

This guide has best practices to help you complete registration for your toll-free number so you can get your business verified to send text messages.

It’s important that you fill out the registration accurately and truthfully. A third-party entity is overseeing the verification process and helping businesses get verified with mobile carriers. Each registration is manually reviewed, and any inaccuracies, falsified information or inconsistent information may lead to them rejecting your registration. If this happens you’ll risk losing access to send text messages.

First and Last Name: The legal first and last name of the contact for the business using the toll-free phone number.

Example: Mary James
Email: The email address of the contact for the business using the toll-free phone number. This must be a valid email and can’t be a disposable email address.

Contact Number: The phone number of the contact for the business using the toll-free number.

Example: 949-555-1111
Business Name: The legal name of the business using the toll-free phone number.

Example: ABC Plumbing
Business Address: The address of the business using the toll-free phone number.

Example: 123 Main Street, San Diego, CA 92101
Business Website: The website of the business using the toll-free phone number. This must be a functional business website with a name that’s clearly related to your official business name. If you don’t have a business website, the business’ social media profile URL is also acceptable. The website must be reachable and not private, or password protected. If the third-party reviewer cannot reach the URL, your registration nwill be rejected.


These are your campaign or messaging details. The mobile carriers want to understand how you use your number for messaging, the type of messages you’re sending, and see examples of your messages. What you provide here will be crucial to your registration getting approved. The key to successful registration is accuracy and consistency.

Text Type: From the list, select a use case that best fits the types of messages being sent by your toll-free phone number. If you select account notifications but your toll-free usage patterns align more with promotions and marketing, then you risk your registration being rejected or your messages may get filtered.

Example: Customer Care
Describe how your business uses text messaging: Describe the most common interactions you have with customers, vendors, employees, etc., via text messaging. The carriers may reject your registration if this description is too vague or brief. A one-word answer such as “marketing” is not enough.

The types of messages you send should align closely with the sample messages you’ll provide later.

Example: I respond to both current and potential tenants who reach out to me to ask questions about my rental property. I also message my tenants to let them know when a payment is overdue or a service provider may need access to the property. Finally, I use this number to coordinate maintenance of my rental property with service providers.
Sample message: Provide a sample message that your business typically sends. It should match the type of messages you listed before.

If you say you mainly send customer care messages, but your sample messages say “10% off your order today, shop now at”, your application will be rejected.

If you send marketing messages, include opt-out language in your sample text message.

  • I'm sorry, the product you’re looking for is out of stock. If you’re interested, I have a similar product in a different color. Are you interested?
  • This is an appointment reminder with A+ Salon for Aug 31, 2023 at 3 pm. Send YES to confirm.
  • This is Chris, I’m here to help you with your order. Reply stop to opt-out.
  • 10% off your order today, shop now at To opt out of receiving text messages, reply STOP.

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