GoDaddy Conversations Help

Understand the requirement to register my business to send text messages

Starting August 31, 2023 for local numbers and November 8, 2023 for toll-free numbers, mobile carriers will require businesses to verify their identity in order to send SMS and MMS messages. This new regulation aims to protect consumers against spam and fraud, and builds consumers’ trust in registered brands.

What is the A2P10DLC?

A2P10DLC refers to a system that allows businesses to send Application-to-Person (A2P) type messaging via standard 10-digit long code (10DLC) phone numbers. It’s text messaging traffic in which a person receives messages from an application rather than from an individual, like a cellular number.

When you send text messages to customers using GoDaddy Conversations, it’s considered A2P10DLC.

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What is the new A2P10DLC compliance requirement?

Major U.S. carriers, including AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon are cracking down on marketers and scammers who spam consumers with unwanted text messages, which could potentially lead to stealing personal information. To protect consumers, the mobile carriers have introduced a new requirement for businesses that use A2P10DLC messaging to be verified if they want to send SMS and MMS messages. This is so the mobile carriers understand who is sending messages, and what messages are sent onto their network.

The Campaign Registry™ (TCR), a third-party entity, will oversee the A2P10DLC compliance and help businesses get verified with the mobile carriers. This is an industry-wide mandate for all A2P10DLC products and services. But don’t worry, we'll help you get verified.

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Do I have to register?

If you use GoDaddy Conversations to send text messages to customers, you need to register for A2P10DLC compliance. When you register your business, it goes through a vetting process with TCR. Once TCR approves your registration, the mobile carriers will know that you are a verified organization. Customers can trust that you won’t spam them and, since your messages are less likely to be blocked by carriers or flagged as spam, they’re more likely to be delivered.

Starting August 31, 2023, unregistered businesses won’t be able to send text messages through GoDaddy Conversations and other A2P10DLC systems.

A2P10DLC compliance won’t impact your ability to keep making calls, receiving calls or receiving text messages with GoDaddy Conversations.

Note: Businesses that operate in adult services, cannabis, firearms, vape industries and other conduct prohibited by GoDaddy's Terms of Service will be blocked or have their accounts terminated.

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What are the benefits of registering?

When your business number becomes A2P10DLC compliant:

  • You increase trust in your brand with mobile carriers, so they’re less likely to block or intentionally slow down the delivery or transmission speed of your messages.
  • You improve the reliability and deliverability of your messages on mobile carrier networks.
  • Since unregistered traffic won’t be delivered starting August 31, 2023, your customers will receive fewer spam messages. They’re therefore more likely to see your messages sooner and engage with you quicker.

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How much will it cost?

There’s a one-time fee of US$19.00 for each number, which is imposed by TCR. GoDaddy does not receive any portion of this fee, which is made up of:

  • A US$4.00 brand registration fee, which covers the cost of verifying your brand or company details
  • A US$15.00 campaign vetting fee, which covers a manual review of the messaging details you’ve provided

If TCR rejects your application, you'll need to pay an additional US$15 for every resubmission. To avoid extra resubmission fees, make sure you fill out the application accurately and truthfully.

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How do I register?

Only paying GoDaddy Conversations customers can register. Customers who are currently on a free trial need to convert to paid to register.

Follow the steps for registering your business to send text messages.

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How long will it take to approve my registration?

Since the review process is manual and businesses from other A2P10DLC systems are also trying to register, TCR may take up to 15 business days to review applications and provide results. While your registration is pending verification with them, and until you’re approved, you won’t be able to send text messages.

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My customer is sending me urgent messages, how can I respond?

Starting August 31, 2023, if you have not registered, if your application is pending review, or if TCR rejected your application, you won’t be able to send messages in GoDaddy Conversations. You can use Conversations to call your customers back or use other methods of communication, such as email.

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My business has multiple numbers, do I need to register all of them?

If you have an EIN, you’ll need to register each GoDaddy Conversations number you want to use for text messages for A2P10DLC compliance.

If you don't have an EIN, only one of your Conversations numbers can be registered to send text messages. If you want to use multiple numbers to send texts under one business or brand, you’ll need to get an EIN to register them.

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I use GoDaddy Conversations for personal reasons, do I have to register?

Regardless of what the phone number is used for, all A2P10DLC numbers (like GoDaddy Conversations and others) that want to send text messages need to register. If you don’t register, you risk your messages being filtered or blocked by the mobile carriers.

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I migrated my number from SmartLine over to Conversations, do I need to register?

If you want to use GoDaddy Conversations to send text messages, you’ll need to register your number for A2P10DLC compliance.

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I have a free business number with my Websites + Marketing subscription, do I need to register?

Due to the cost of A2P10DLC compliance, we can no longer offer to send texts for free. If you want to continue to use your number to send texts, you’ll need to switch over to a paid GoDaddy Conversations subscription. Call us at 480-366-3550 and we’ll help you get on a paid plan and move your number over. Once your number is moved over you can register it for A2P10DLC compliance.

Upgrading to a paid plan and registering is only required if you want to send text messages. You can keep using your free business number with your Websites + Marketing subscription for calls or to receive texts only.

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Why can’t I send text messages or register during my free trial?

Due to the cost of A2P10DLC compliance, we can no longer offer texting during a free trial. If you decide to become a paying customer after your free trial, you’ll have the option to register for texting.

We don’t currently have the ability to end a trial immediately to convert to the paid option. You’ll need to wait until the end of your free trial to become a paying customer.

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What is toll-free number verification?

The major U.S. mobile carriers, such as AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon, are cracking down on marketers and scammers who spam consumers with unwanted text messages, which could potentially lead to stealing personal information. Verified businesses will have better deliverability of their messages and are less likely to be blocked.

To protect consumers, businesses that use virtual toll-free numbers, such as GoDaddy Conversations, need to be verified if they want to send SMS and MMS messages. This is so the mobile carriers understand who is sending messages and what messages are sent onto their network. This is an industry-wide mandate for all virtual number products and services. But don’t worry, we'll help you get verified, plus, it’s free to register.

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Do I have to register?

If you use GoDaddy Conversations to send text messages to customers, you need to register. When you register your business, it goes through a vetting process with a third-party entity. Once your verification is approved, the mobile carriers will know that you are a verified organization. Customers can trust that you won’t spam them and, since your messages are less likely to be blocked by carriers or flagged as spam, they’re more likely to be delivered.

Starting November 8, 2023, unregistered businesses won’t be able to send text messages through GoDaddy Conversations and other virtual number systems. This won’t impact your ability to keep making calls, receiving calls or receiving text messages with GoDaddy Conversations.

Note: Businesses that operate in adult services, cannabis (or other controlled substances), firearms, tobacco and vape industries are prohibited. Messages sent with prohibited content will be blocked or have their accounts terminated.

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What are the benefits of registering?

When your toll-free number is registered and verified:

  • You increase trust in your brand with mobile carriers, so they’re less likely to block or intentionally slow down the delivery or transmission speed of your messages.
  • You improve the reliability and deliverability of your messages on mobile carrier networks.
  • Since unregistered toll-free number traffic won’t be delivered starting November 8, 2023, your customers will receive fewer spam messages. They’re therefore more likely to see your messages sooner and engage with you quicker.

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How much will it cost?

It’s completely free to register your toll-free number.

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How do I register?

Conversations customers with toll-free numbers will be prompted to verify their business when replying to a SMS thread or trying to compose a new message.

Follow the steps for registering your business to send text messages.

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How long will it take to approve my registration?

Since the review process is manual and businesses from other virtual number systems are also trying to register, it may take up to 15 business days to review applications and provide results. While your registration is pending verification, you’ll be able to send texts but these may be subject to filtering until your registration is approved.

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My customer is sending me urgent messages, how can I respond?

Starting November 8, 2023, if you have not submitted your toll-free number registration or your application has been rejected, you won’t be able to send messages in GoDaddy Conversations. You can use Conversations to call your customers back or use other methods of communication, such as email.

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I use GoDaddy Conversations for personal reasons, do I have to register?

Regardless of what the phone number is used for, all toll-free numbers that want to send text messages need to register. If you don’t register, you risk your messages being filtered or blocked by mobile carriers.

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I migrated my number from SmartLine over to Conversations, do I need to register?

If you want to use GoDaddy Conversations to send text messages, you’ll need to register your toll-free number. If you previously registered while on SmartLine, you don’t need to register again on Conversations.

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I have a free business number with my Websites + Marketing subscription, do I need to register?

We can no longer offer to send texts for free. If you want to continue to use your toll-free number to send texts, you’ll need to switch over to a paid GoDaddy Conversations subscription. Call us at 480-366-3550 and we’ll help you get on a paid plan and move your number over. Once your number is moved over, you can register it for toll-free verification.

Upgrading to a paid plan and registering is only required if you want to send text messages. You can keep using your free business number with your Websites + Marketing subscription for calls or to receive texts only.

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