GoDaddy Help

Customize Apple Pay buttons

Choose to display Apple Pay on a single product, cart, or check out pages. Apple Pay buttons can be customized using Apple's style guides. Once customized, you can view how they look by visiting your site and going through check out as your customers would.

Required: Enable GoDaddy Payments on your site and complete the set up process if you haven't already.
  1. Select which Pages to enable Apple Pay on:
    • Single Product
    • Cart
    • Checkout
    This will display the Apple Pay button and allows customers to check out via Apple Pay directly from any or all of the options that you choose.
  2. Button label: Optionally choose a label for the Apple Pay button using Apple's button types.
  3. Button style: Choose a style for the Apple Pay button using Apple's button styles.
  4. Button size: Change the size for the Apple Pay button following Apple's button size guidelines.

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