Managed WooCommerce Stores Help

Connect and point a domain to Managed WooCommerce Stores

Required: If you purchased your Managed WooCommerce Stores account on or after December 6, 2023, see the latest version of these steps to connect your domain.

When connecting a domain name to Managed WooCommerce Stores, you can select an existing domain from your GoDaddy account, add a domain name registered elsewhere, or register a new one.

Choose a DNS service

We highly recommend that all Managed WooCommerce Stores use Amazon's Route 53 DNS service. Although your domain can be hosted at any provider, if you choose not to use Route 53 DNS, the steps to connect your domain will be a little different and you may be unable to connect the exact domain you want.

Required: If your domain (like is hosted at GoDaddy, you must use Route 53 DNS. If you do not want to use Route 53 DNS, you'll need to refer to the Other DNS providers steps below to connect a subdomain instead (like

Connect a domain name

Note: If you've already connected a domain and need to change from your current DNS provider to Route 53, first remove the domain from Managed WooCommerce Stores and then follow these steps.
  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. In the WooCommerce Stores section, select Manage.
    select manage to open my managed woo commerce store
  3. Select Hosting.
    select hosting
  4. In the Domains section, select Connect Domain.
  5. Follow the prompts to choose a domain that you already own or register a new domain.
  6. Select Change my DNS to complimentary Route 53:
    • If your domain is hosted by GoDaddy: We'll import your existing DNS records for you. Continue with the next step.
    • If your domain is not hosted by GoDaddy: Select Add Record and add your current DNS records for this domain. For example, you may need to add MX, TXT or A records depending on the services provided by your current host. If the Name for your root/apex record is not specified by your host, use "@" as the Name.

      Next, see the location where your provider lists your current DNS records, and note all four nameserver addresses. At your domain registrar, point your domain name to these four nameservers.

      Finally, from the Managed WooCommerce Stores Overview page, select the DNS tab and then select I'm Done.
  7. In your Managed WooCommerce Stores Overview, in the Store Domains section, you'll see a "Verifying nameservers" message. When the message changes to "Ready to go live," select Go Live.
    select go live
    Note: Allow up to 48 hours for the domain fully connect. You can monitor the connection status from your Overview.
Note: If you've already connected a domain and need to change from Route 53 to a different DNS provider, first remove the domain from Managed WooCommerce Stores and then follow these steps.
  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. In the Managed WooCommerce section, select Manage.
    select manage to open my managed woo commerce store
  3. In the Store Domains section, select Connect Domain.
  4. Follow the prompts to choose a domain that you already own or register a new domain.
  5. Select Stay with my current DNS provider. You'll see a warning that your current DNS provider may not support connecting to Managed WooCommerce Stores.
    Note: If your domain is hosted by GoDaddy, select Stay with GoDaddy DNS. You'll see a warning that you must use a subdomain.
  6. Follow the prompts to add a subdomain or to continue with the domain you selected. For each prompt, select Continue.
  7. Select Start domain connection.
  8. Next, you can track the current status of connecting your domain in the Managed WooCommerce Stores Dashboard. You'll need to add a CNAME record to the domain's zone file with your DNS provider. When it's time to add that record, you'll see ACTION REQUIRED in the Managed WooCommerce Stores Dashboard and we'll provide the CNAME value for you to use. You'll need to do this twice:
    • First, to verify that you own the domain:
      domain connection needs DNS updates for managed woocommerce stores
    • Second, to point your domain to the Managed WooCommerce Stores site.
      second dns update for managed woocommerce stores
    Note: Seeing an "invalid DNS" error? Remember that updating DNS values can take up to 48 hours to take effect.
  9. The domain Status changes to LIVE when everything's ready.
    Note: If there's been an error and the domain isn't connected, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the GoDaddy Guides form to contact our support team.

Related steps

If you've got more than one domain in your Store Domains list. You can make any of those domains the primary domain connected to the store — for example, you can make a secondary domain redirect to the primary domain for the store. To change the primary domain, next to the domain you want to use click on this icon and then select Make Primary.

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