GoDaddy Help

Configure Google Pay for GoDaddy Payments

Step 2 of the Set up Google Pay™ for GoDaddy Payments Series

Once you activate Google Pay, you can customize the settings. Some settings are pulled from your GoDaddy Payments account, and they are displayed on the Settings page.

Required: Enable GoDaddy Payments on your site and complete the set up process to proceed.

Review and adjust the following options as needed:

  1. Under the General section, you'll see the settings that are pulled from your GoDaddy Payments account settings:
    • Transaction type: Authorization or Charge.
    • Charge Virtual-Only Order: Enabled or Disabled.
    • Detailed Decline Messages: Enabled or Disabled.
    • Debug mode: Off, Show on the Checkout page, Save to log or Both.
  2. Pages to enable Google Pay on: Single Product, Cart, and/or Checkout.
    • This will display the Google Pay button and allow customers to check out via Google Pay on any or all of the options that you choose.
    • When Google Pay is enabled on a Single Product, customers will be able to order from the product's page.
  3. Button label: Optionally choose a label for the Google Pay button using Google’s button options (Subscribe is not supported for the moment).
  4. Button style: Choose a style for the Google Pay button between white and black.
  5. Button size: Change the size for the Google Pay button, the default value is 45.

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