GoDaddy Help

Add WooCommerce products to the GoDaddy Payments catalog

Follow these steps to add your WooCommerce simple products to the Poynt Smart Terminal catalog by manually importing a CSV file.

Note for Managed WordPress accounts using WooCommerce:
  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. Go to Products and select All Products.
  3. Select the Export button at the top of the page.
  4. Leave the default settings in place except for selecting Simple products in product types. So the export should include: Export all columns, Simple Products (variable products are not supported for the import) and Export all categories. Do not select any custom meta.
  5. Select Generate CSV.
  6. Create a new CSV file and add the first row of columns as: shortCode, name, sku, upc, price, catalog, and category. You can also download a sample CSV file here.
  7. Enter information or copy the WooCommerce product columns as below:
    • shortCode: Enter manually any short string, or leave blank.
    • name: Copy the Name column from the WooCommerce file.
    • sku: Copy the SKU column from the WooCommerce file.
    • upc: Copy the ID column from the WooCommerce file.
    • price: Copy the Regular price column from the WooCommerce file.
    • catalog: Enter Main for all rows.
    • category: Copy the Categories column from the WooCommerce file.
  8. Save this CSV file.
  9. In the article Add products to the product catalog, select the Web browser tab and then select Bulk upload products.
  10. Follow the steps to upload the CSV file to the Poynt catalog.

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