Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy Help

Access my Emergency Inbox

Use the Proofpoint Emergency Inbox to access messages in your inbox when Microsoft 365 is offline. This won't include messages successfully delivered to the mail server. While Microsoft 365 is offline, you can access and reply to these messages. This isn't a second inbox.

Access the Emergency Inbox

  1. Sign in to Advanced Email Security. Use your Microsoft 365 email address and password (your GoDaddy username and password won't work here).
  2. On the leftmost side, select Emergency Inbox.
    proofpoint dashboard, emergency inbox

Functional accounts, like aliases, distribution groups and shared mailboxes, cannot access the Emergency Inbox. The messages sent to these addresses will be sent to the server once the connection to the server has been restored.

Send a message from the Emergency Inbox

  1. Select compose email, envelope Compose.
  2. In the To field, enter the recipient's email address.
  3. Enter the Subject and add a message to the message body field.
  4. Select Send.
    Send email from Emergency Inbox
Note: You cannot send attachments larger than 50 MB from the Emergency Inbox.

Reply to a message in the Emergency Inbox

  1. Select the message that you want to reply to, and then select reply to email, arrow Reply.
  2. Enter a message in the message body field.
  3. Select Send.

Once the mail system is back online, all messages sent and received will be delivered to the mail server, which you can then access in your regular inbox.

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