Managed WooCommerce Stores Help

What is the cart recovery campaign feature for Managed WooCommerce Stores?

Managed WooCommerce Stores provides you with the option to create your own cart recovery campaigns. Based on your plan tier, you can send up to 3 cart recovery reminders to your customers that they can utilize to easily complete their purchase.

Multi-email cart recovery campaigns are only available for sites hosted on the Managed WooCommerce Stores plan.

Eligible Tiers

Currently, multi-email cart recovery campaigns are available to Expand and Premier stores. You can also get acquainted with the 3-email sequence during your free trial. More specifically:

  • Flex tier: You can send 1 cart recovery notification, which is sent 1 hour after a customer abandonds a cart in your shop.
  • Expand tier: You can send 2 cart recovery notifications. The first email is sent 1 hour after a customer abandons a cart, the second 1 day later.
  • Premier tier: You can send 3 cart recovery notifications. The first email is sent 1 hour after a customer abandons a cart, the second 1 day later, and the third, 2 days later the original abandonment.
  • Free Trial: During your free trial, you have access to the Premier tier's set of cart recovery emails.

Kindly note that the delay time is not customizable, which means that your messages will always be sent according to the standard schedule.

Downgrading your plan tier automatically removes and cancels scheduled emails that are no longer available on the new tier.

Customer entry and exit rules

After activating the cart recovery campaign feature, customers will have the option to opt-in to receive a cart recovery notification during the checkout process.

A customer is assigned to the cart recovery campaign, and will receive email notifications, when they meet the following:

  • have opted-in at checkout to receive marketing notifications. Customers that opt-out will not receive any cart recovery notifications from your shop
  • have not have placed an order in the last 5 days
  • are not currently assigned to another campaign
  • have entered their email address in the checkout form or are logged into their account on your site
  • have added products to their cart and then leave your site without completing a purchase
If a customer visits your store and updates their cart after they've been assigned to a cart recovery campaign, the scheduled emails will be adjusted to show the updated information.

A customer exits a cart recovery campaign when they:

  • recover their abandoned cart from the email notification and complete their purchase
  • visit the checkout page and opt-out of the cart recovery notifications
  • abandon a new cart which isn't eligible for the cart recovery campaign
  • are sent all scheduled cart recovery notifications

Should I send cart recovery reminders?

Yes! Cart recovery email campaigns are an effective tool for increasing your store's revenue. More specifically:

  • A single email reminder can recover up to 7% of abandoned carts *
  • A two email recovery campaign can recover up to 10% of abandoned carts *
  • A three-email recovery campaign can recover up to 15% of abandoned carts *

*: source for performance data is Jilt, an email marketing service our team developed and maintained.

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