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Looking for a new website but not sure where to start? Here's more information about GoDaddy’s different website options.

First, you need to decide if you want GoDaddy to manage your website and hosting for you or if you want to manage it yourself. Select an option to find out more.

Managed hosting is a service where a hosting provider, such as GoDaddy, handles server setup, maintenance and support tasks for you. This includes software updates, security monitoring and technical assistance. It's ideal for those who want a hassle-free hosting experience.

We offer these managed hosting solutions:

Websites + Marketing

Websites + Marketing comes with an online editing and publishing tool called Website Builder. Choose from one of hundreds of pre-built templates to start creating your website, and then add pages, drag and drop images, and use built-in artificial intelligence (AI) tools to help you create content.

On our ecommerce plans you can add an online store, list your products and services, and connect to other leading marketplaces, like Etsy and Facebook, while managing you orders and inventory in one place.


  • Easy to use: Websites + Marketing is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to individuals with little to no technical expertise. The drag-and-drop website builder makes it easy to create and customize your website, so you can get your site up and running quickly.
  • Comes with built-in marketing tools: The platform includes email marketing, SEO (search engine optimization) tools, social media integration and online advertising options. Having these tools integrated into the same platform can streamline your marketing efforts and help you reach a wider audience.


  • Limited customization: While Websites + Marketing is beginner-friendly, it may have limitations when it comes to advanced customization. If you have specific design or functionality requirements, the platform could seem restrictive compared to something like WordPress.


Managed WordPress

Managed WordPress is a specialized hosting service designed to simplify the management, maintenance and optimization of WordPress sites.

Key features at a glance:

  • The latest version of WordPress is automatically installed
  • Automatic WordPress core updates
  • Performance-enhancing caching
  • Automatic, daily backups (last 30 days)
  • Integrated SSL, included for the life of your hosting account
  • A one-click migration tool
  • Enhanced security through restricted file access
  • Secure access to your files and database with SFTP and phpMyAdmin


  • Performance optimization: Managed WordPress hosting offers optimized server environments that enhance the performance of WordPress websites. This can include faster loading times, better scalability and efficient caching, which leads to improved SEO rankings and a better experience for your customers.
  • Managed security: Robust security features like regular malware scans, automated backups and WordPress-specific firewall rules reduce the risk of security breaches and data loss.


  • Limited flexibility: Managed WordPress hosting environments are highly optimized for WordPress, which can limit your ability to run other applications or services on the same server. If you need to run custom scripts or other web applications, an unmanaged hosting solution might be better for you.


Managed WooCommerce Stores

Managed WooCommerce Stores is a specialized hosting and support service tailored for online stores powered by WooCommerce, a popular e-commerce plugin for WordPress. This solution is designed to streamline the management and optimization of WooCommerce-based websites. It includes features like automatic updates for WooCommerce, performance optimization for faster online shopping experiences, and robust security measures to protect customer data and transactions.

With Managed WooCommerce Stores, users receive expert support from teams well-versed in both WooCommerce and WordPress, ensuring that their online shops run smoothly. This hosting service often includes features such as scalability to handle traffic surges during peak shopping seasons, daily backups to safeguard critical sales data, and integrated content delivery networks (CDNs) for efficient global access to products and pages.

In essence, Managed WooCommerce Stores takes the complexities out of hosting and maintaining an e-commerce website, allowing you to focus on selling products and providing excellent customer experiences. It combines the power of WordPress and WooCommerce with specialized hosting and support.


  • Optimized for E-commerce: Managed WooCommerce Stores is specifically designed for online stores built on the WooCommerce platform. This means the hosting environment is optimized to handle the unique requirements of e-commerce websites, such as handling product catalogs, managing inventory, processing transactions, and ensuring fast and secure shopping experiences.
  • Scalability and Performance: Managed WooCommerce hosting services often offer scalability features that allow your online store to grow smoothly as your business expands. This includes advanced caching mechanisms, content delivery networks (CDNs), and server resources dedicated to handling e-commerce traffic. This ensures your website loads quickly, even during high traffic periods, which can lead to improved customer satisfaction and higher conversion rates.


  • Limited Flexibility: While Managed WooCommerce Stores are optimized for WooCommerce, this specialization can limit your ability to run other applications or services on the same server. If you have additional web hosting needs beyond your e-commerce store, such as hosting non-WooCommerce websites or custom applications, this hosting solution may not be the most flexible choice.


If you manage and maintain the server yourself, you have full control over configurations and software, but you're also responsible for tasks like security, updates and troubleshooting. This option suits experienced users who want complete control and are comfortable with server administration.

We offer these self-managed hosting solutions:

Linux hosting with cPanel

A popular shared hosting option, ideal for hosting multiple blogs, informational sites, or smaller online stores. Pre-installed with cPanel, you have a user-friendly graphical interface to install applications, manage backups, and more!

Linux Hosting with cPanel key features at a glance:

  • Host from 1-50 websites
  • Free unlimited SSLs
  • Unmetered bandwidth
  • Daily backups
  • 24/7 network security and DDoS protection
  • 99.9% uptime guaranteed
  • Global data centers (host with us no matter where you are in the world)
  • Compatible with WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal, and more


  • Easy to use: cPanel simplifies server and website management tasks. It's particularly useful for individuals who may not have advanced technical expertise in Linux. You can more easily manage domains, databases, email accounts, and more.
  • Wide compatibility: Supports a wide range of popular web development technologies and software, including PHP, MySQL, Apache, and more.


  • Resource Usage: If you're on a shared hosting plan, heavy cPanel usage by other users on the same server can impact your site's performance. In such cases, you may want to consider a dedicated hosting plan, such as our VPS/dedicated servers.
  • Lack of root access: For security, root access is not available on our shared environments. If you want to make root-level customizations, we recommend a VPS/dedicated server.


Windows Hosting with Plesk

A shared hosting platform utilizing the Microsoft Windows Server operating system. Linux Hosting with cPanel is the more popular shared hosting option. But if you’re familiar with hosting sites on Windows and want to stick with what you know, this is the option for you! Pre-installed with Plesk, you have a user-friendly graphical interface to install applications, manage your databases, and more!


  • Backed by Microsoft: Receive regular updates to keep your hosting secure and free of bugs.
  • Compatibility with Windows Technologies: If your website or web applications rely on Windows-specific technologies like ASP.NET, MS SQL databases, or .NET framework, Windows hosting with Plesk is a suitable choice. It provides a hosting environment that is specifically optimized for running Windows-based applications, ensuring compatibility and performance.
  • User-Friendly Control Panel: Plesk is known for its user-friendly interface and robust management capabilities. It simplifies server and website management tasks, making it easier for users to handle tasks like domain management, email configuration, database setup, and security settings. This is especially useful for those who may not have advanced technical skills.


  • Software Limitations: Windows hosting environments, even with Plesk, may have limitations compared to Linux hosting in terms of available software and open-source applications. Some web development tools and content management systems may be better supported and have more extensive communities on Linux. If you rely on specific software not commonly used with Windows hosting, you might encounter compatibility issues or limitations.


VPS (Virtual Private Servers)/Dedicated Servers

Want higher performance, flexibility, and control over your server? This is the plan for you. Virtual Private Server hosting (VPS hosting) is a dedicated hosting platform characterized by its high performance, isolated environment and CPU, RAM and storage being 100% dedicated (not shared with any other websites or apps). Ideal for hosting multiple ecommerce sites or resource-heavy applications.

VPS (Virtual Private Servers) / Dedicated Servers key features at a glance:

  • NVMe SSDs powered by Virtuozzo for 3X the speed plus unlimited traffic.
  • Unlimited hosting accounts
  • Network monitoring and DDoS protection
  • Linux or Windows available
  • cPanel or Plesk available
  • Automated server snapshot backups
  • Uptime, resources, and domain monitoring alerts
  • Global data centers (host with us no matter where you are in the world)


  • Cost-Efficiency: VPS hosting offers a middle-ground between shared and dedicated hosting in terms of cost. It provides dedicated resources, such as CPU, RAM, and storage, without the high price tag of a dedicated server. This makes it a cost-effective option for websites and applications that require more resources than shared hosting can offer.
  • Scalability: VPS hosting is often scalable, allowing you to adjust resources as needed. You can easily upgrade your VPS plan to accommodate increased traffic and resource demands, making it suitable for businesses or websites with variable needs.
  • Root access: Make highly customized changes to your server with root access.


  • Technical Knowledge Required: Managing a VPS can require more technical expertise than shared hosting. You are responsible for server configuration, security, software updates, and troubleshooting. If you're not comfortable with server administration, you might need to hire a system administrator or opt for managed VPS hosting, which can be more expensive.


Note: Websites are stored, or hosted, on a publicly-accessible computer (a server). Some websites need an entire server to themselves, while others can share a server with 100s of other websites. The storage space, and the features that come with it, make up your hosting plan.

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