Domains Help

About .cl Domains is the sponsor and Hexonet aka 1 Api GmbH is our backend provider for the country-code top-level domain name (ccTLD) .cl extension that represents Chile.

Who can register .cl domains?

Companies or organizations that reside in Chile can register .cl domain names. In addition the administrative contact for the domain must have an address in Chile, and provide a RUT ID.

Registration restrictions

When registering a .cl domain, you must follow specific requirements.

  • Must use: 1 - 63 Characters
  • Can use: Letters (a-z characters), numbers (0-9) and hyphens (except in the 1st or last characters of the domain name)
  • Cannot use: Special characters (e.g., & and #)
  • IDNs: Not supported


  • Registration length: 1-10 years
  • Renewal length: 1-10 years
    • Your .cl domain name renews before its expiration date. The renewal date depends on whether the domain name is auto-renewed or renewed manually. Auto-renewal is attempted 20 days prior to the domain name's expiration. If the renewal attempt fails, we re-attempt renewal 13 days prior to expiration. If the second attempt fails, we try one more time 6 days prior to the expiration date.
    • If we cannot auto-renew the domain name and you do not manually renew it 6 days prior to the expiration date, it must be redeemed. There might be a fee for the redemption. See Renew my expired domain for instructions on the redemption.
    • For example: Your .cl domain name expires on January 31. If your domain name does not renew automatically, you can renew it manually by January 25. For automatic renewals, we attempt to renew the domain name on January 11, January 18, and January 25.
  • Backorders: Not supported
  • Transfers to GoDaddy: Not Supported
  • Transfers away from GoDaddy: Supported
  • Transfers to another GoDaddy account: Not Supported
  • Basic privacy protection: Not supported
  • Protection plan upgrades: Not supported
  • Cash Parking: Not Supported
  • Contact Updates: Supported
    • To update the registrant, on a .cl domain, contact our GoDaddy Guides for assistance.

    Nameserver requirements

    • Must use: 0-6 Nameservers
    • Can use: IPv4
    • Cannot use: DNSSEC, Vanity Nameservers, IPv6


    For details on refunds, see our refund policy. Most domains will follow the Standard Refund Terms, but certain domains may have exceptions or may not be refundable at all. Review the information under Products with Special Refund Terms, and then Domain Name Registrations/Renewals and Products Not Eligible for Refunds.

    Cancellation requirements

    To cancel your .cl domain, contact our GoDaddy Guides for assistance.

    More info

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